Rosacea is a chronic and widespread facial disorder that affects 16 million Americans. Early signs of rosacea are often overlooked as a temporary issue, and most assume it will go away. Unfortunately, delaying or leaving it untreated can cause it to become more persistent and severe. April is Rosacea Awareness Month, and the hope is to increase the public’s understanding of this complex skin condition.

Rosacea Facts
Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that frequently presents as persistent areas of redness on the cheeks and nose. However, it can also affect the chin, forehead, and neck. It can also lead to swelling and thickening of the skin, particularly at the nose. Other facts:
- It occurs most often in ages 30-50
- Affected most often:
- Women
- Individuals with fair skin
- Those with extremely sensitive skin
- Those with a family history
- The skin may feel dry, rough, or swollen
- Up to half experience ocular rosacea:
- Causes red, irritated, watery eyes that suffer frequent styes, and dry or gritty sensation
“I’m not blushing. It’s rosacea.”
Blushing is one of the common misconceptions associated with rosacea. The National Rosacea Society has the following ways you can help spread the word this month in addition to debunking common myths:
- Get the facts:
- Learn more about the signs, symptoms, treatment options, and lifestyle management techniques for living with rosacea.
- Share your success story:
- Share your tips and tricks that help you manage symptoms. Email them to
- Become a spokesperson:
- Join the conversation online with the hashtag #RosaceaAwareness and share your own experiences and advice. Learn more here.
- Donate:
- Contribute to supporting medical research that may lead to advances in rosacea treatments and potential cure.
April Special for Rosacea Patients

When it comes to rosacea, Colorescience All Calm Redness Corrector is an essential tool that provides ongoing relief from redness and sensitivity. Also, the 3-in-1 formula offers SPF 50 UVA/UVB protection against rosacea’s #1 trigger. Get yours at a 10% discount through April here at Alamo Heights Dermatology. Call (210) 255-8447 or stop by our office today to purchase yours!