In these trying times, nearly all businesses across the US and around the world are seeing major declines, especially businesses that have foot traffic. For medical practices, the need for our patients and staff to shelter at home has stifled our ability to provide the continuity and quality of care that we are accustomed to delivering to our patients day-in and day-out.
We all hope that this pandemic will be over soon so we can get back to normal life, but until then, the need for our health to be managed doesn’t go away.
Alamo Heights Dermatology is following the evolving COVID pandemic guidelines established by the Federal, State and Local authorities as well as the Texas Medical Board to protect the safety of the community, our patients and our staff. Our office hours will change from Monday – Thursday and Closed on Fridays. All information regarding COVID-19 is subject to change at any time due to the changing nature of the pandemic. We will no longer see non-urgent patients in the office, but will see established patients via telemedicine.

Telemedicine creates a connection over the web that allows for virtual visits between our patients and doctors. While there are still challenges with telemedicine since diagnostic testing and laboratory assessments are not included in virtual visits, we can still assess symptoms, ask and answer questions, prescribe medications and provide medication refills, if indicated, to help keep our patients healthy throughout this challenging and unpredictable time.
During a virtual visit, you may wish to provide photos to help the doctor assess your symptoms. Some tips for taking a good photo for assessment include:
- Using a normal setting and avoiding filters or special modes.
- Getting help from another person, if possible.
- Using a white or light gray background – black or blue are good options as well.
- Isolating the area in question to avoid any distractions.
- Considering taking a close-up as well an overview photo, especially for a lesion.
To learn more about our telemedicine services please CLICK HERE or call our offices to request an appointment. Our staff is available to answer your questions and to provide details on how you can see your doctor virtually. Thanks to technology, we can all work together to stay safe and stay healthy.
Until this pandemic becomes history, please take care of you and your family and follow the guidance provided by local and federal mandates. We will ALL get through this together.