Let’s be honest – the cosmetic procedures available this day in age can be mind boggling, especially when you throw medical jargon into the mix. Intense pulsed light therapy, or IPL, is a relatively new skin treatment option that offers shorter in-office sessions, near-instant results, and is effective on nearly all skin types.

IPL Explained
IPL therapy uses a broad spectrum of lights directed onto the skin’s surface to treat damaged skin cells. Treatments are tailored to the patient’s skin and allow for wider areas to be done.
Your dermatologist will determine how many sessions are necessary after the initial consult. Then, you will come in at regular intervals until completed. IPL is non-invasive, requires little to no down time, and no anesthetic. After every treatment, your skin will appear more youthful and clear and it may even help with problematic skin conditions.

Results Deeper Than the Skin
Having a skin condition means more than what you see with your eyes. The emotional toll can be an unwavering constant reminder. Maybe you are tired of people asking if you are hot when your rosacea flares. Maybe you are frustrated with trying to cover up uneven pigment with makeup. Maybe you want to get a few years back, or to just look your age, and not older. These are a few reasons IPL is such a great option. Other skin conditions IPL has been effective at treating include:
- Broken Capillaries
- Age Spots
- Sun Damage
- Fine Lines
Alamo Heights Dermatology is your all-in-one solution for general, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology. For the month of August, we are offering 10% off any one laser or IPL treatment, or 20% off any laser or IPL bundle. To book an appointment for your consultation, call us at (210) 255-8447, or visit our website.