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Skin Conditions and Weather Changes

Once the holidays are on the horizon and the weather changes, it’s easy to forget to stop and take care of yourself. As the weather begins to change, it’s essential to take care of your health, especially when it comes to your skin. Your skin is the largest organ your body has. It protects us, helps regulate body temperature, and allows us to feel sensations. Changes in temperature or humidity throughout the year can have a profound effect on those with skin conditions.

Weather and Skin Conditions

Warmer months usually mean higher humidity that can keep your skin moisturized naturally. Keeping your skin moisturized creates a barrier that keeps harmful irritants out and holds in the water your skin needs. In the fall and winter months, the air is drier and takes away your natural moisturizer. If you are diagnosed with a skin condition, how you manage the condition may be somewhat dependent on weather changes. Everyone’s skin is different and requires different care; however, some skin conditions may be more predictable than others, allowing you to get a head start when it comes to prepping for weather changes.

  • Acne– Keeping your skin moisturized throughout the drier months will help reduce skin irritation that causes outbreaks.
  • Eczema– Over-dried skin can lead to increased eczema activity. Rapid temperature changes can also cause eczema to worsen, like a fireplace, or long periods of exposure to the sun and cold weather.
  • Rosacea– The lack of moisture and biting temps can trigger a flare. Rosacea is also triggered by spicy food and alcohol, so even a spiked glass of eggnog intended to warm you up can worsen your symptoms.
  • Psoriasis– The lack of humidity and sun contributes to the worsening of psoriasis symptoms. Additionally, psoriasis tends to flare up more in the wintertime since there is less ambient UV light. Take extra care to protect yourself from illness.

Things You Can Do at Home

While there is nothing you can do about the changing of the seasons, there are some things you can do at home to help maintain healthy skin. Below are some winter and fall tips that everyone can use!

  • Use broad-spectrum sunblock anytime you are going to be outside.
  • Reduce long periods of exposure to the heat or cold and cover your body appropriate to the weather.
  • Moisturize regularly and right after a shower.
  • Limit shower/bath time to a few minutes and avoid using too hot of water.

Skin conditions can be better managed with a dermatologist helping to guide you through the best treatment options. Make sure you consult yours since everyone’s skin is impacted differently by the weather. If you’re ready to take control of your skin, the experts at Alamo Heights Dermatology can help determine the best plan for you. Our office offers a comprehensive treatment option list for all your dermatological needs. You can call us at 210-255-8447, or book an appointment online HERE.
