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How to Recognize Skin Cancer

Recognize Skin Cancer dermatology alamo heights san antonio texas

Be honest. At least once in your life you found yourself in front of the bathroom mirror with your phone’s flashlight and a magnifying glass, scrutinizing that mole on your shoulder. You were precariously balanced on the counter, wondering if that mole is skin cancer. You are not alone. With the official summer season in …

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Ultraviolet Awareness

Ultraviolet Awareness Month

With Ultraviolet Awareness Month coming to an end, and with Summer right around the corner, we want to touch a bit more on sun safety. Ultraviolet radiation exposure is a major risk factor for most skin cancers. Most UV rays mainly come from sunlight, but tanning beds are also a source as well. Types of …

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Do’s and Don’t of Self Tanner

If your legs look like Casper the friendly ghost when you put on shorts these days, then stay tuned. We are going to be talking about self tanners. May is also Ultraviolet Awareness Month, so there is no time to waste! Avoiding the Orange Ok I said it. When most people think of self-tanners, they are worried about turning yellow or blotchy. So we combed the innerwebs for some solid Do’s and Don’ts before and after application to get the best results. Self tanners are a great way to get that “sun kissed” look without exposing your skin for extended periods of time to UVA/UVB rays. Maybe you are like me, and the heat affects your body differently and, so you can only be in it for short periods of time. Whether you have a reason, or you are just curious, here are some tips to help you to take the plunge! Do Exfoliate- This is a MUST before application. You can use a washcloth, but make sure you spend some extra time on those elbows and knees. This removes the dead skin cells for a more even application. Dry your skin- Skin must be dry prior to application. Apply in sections-Using a circular motion, apply in sections such as arms, legs, torso, etc. This way, if you are using your hands, you can wash after each section to avoid orange hands and nails. There is also an applicator mitt you can buy to help make the application easier and keep those hands from being saturated with the tanner. Go light on wrists and ankles- These areas tend to be a lot drier than others, so they will absorb the tanner quicker, making them darker than the rest of your body. Wait until skin is dry- Give your skin time to dry at least 10 minutes before getting dressed. Try to avoid tight fitting clothes for the first 3 hours. Don’t Skip the sunscreen- You still need to apply it. Self tanner is not a sunblock, so you need to apply it every day, and make sure it is SPF 30 or higher, is water resistant, and broad-spectrum UVA/UVB. Rush- Research the right brands for you and tones. If you have a special event you are wanting to do the tanner for, try to do it in advance. Rushing can lead to missed steps and undesired results. Be afraid- There are foams, there are creams, there are sprays. So many option can be intimidating, but with a little patience, you can find a great option. Now that we have loaded you down with some tools for your self-tanner journey, we hope you feel a little bit better about taking the plunge towards a healthier bronzed glow.

If your legs look like Casper the friendly ghost when you put on shorts these days, then stay tuned. We are going to be talking about self tanners. May is also Ultraviolet Awareness Month, so there is no time to waste! Avoiding the Orange Ok I said it. When most people think of self-tanners, they …

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Don’t take the chance – that spot may advance

skin cancer dermatology alamo heights san antonio texas

May is Skin Cancer and Melanoma Awareness Month; here’s what you need to know to keep that spot from coming in hot as skin cancer. Skin Cancer is the most common form of human cancers, affecting more than 1 milion Americans every year and it doesn’t discriminate – all ethnicities are affected! There are also different types, but …

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Bye-Bye Double Chin!

kybella double chin dermatology alamo heights san antonio texas

Are you always trying to avoid your profile because of your double chin? Do you eat well and exercise but still can’t seem to shake it? Enter: Kybella®! Kybella® is a series of injections administered under the chin, destroying the fat cells. It’s a gradual process, so the body removes the fat cells over the course of …

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5 Ways to Avoid Pre-Mature Skin Aging

Avoid Pre-Mature Skin Aging dermatology alamo heights san antonio texas

We all know that aging is an inevitable part of life, but that doesn’t mean we have to take it lying down! We can age gracefully and in our own time. We can’t delay it forever, but we can take steps to avoid pre-mature skin aging. Here’s how. Protect your skin (aka sunscreen) Back in …

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What are Your Acne Treatment Options?

Acne Treatment Options dermatology alamo heights san antonio texas

There are many ways in which to treat your breakouts. Are you having trouble getting your acne under control? Not sure why nothing seems to be working? If so, then it might be time to turn to our San Antonio, TX, dermatologists Dr. Rebecca Kelso and Dr. Emily Fridlington for answers. There are many options out …

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Supporting Your Teen with Acne

teen acne dermatology alamo heights san antonio texas

Living with acne is hard at any age, but especially for teenagers. Let’s face it, kids are mean! Pizza face, Zitty McPimpleson, Scar Face, the name calling alone can be hard to handle. As a parent it is important for you take notice in your teen’s appearance and social struggles. Their lives are hard enough …

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What Laser Hair Removal Can Do for You

laser hair removal dermatology alamo heights san antonio texas

Are you tired of shaving, waxing or plucking unwanted hairs? Laser hair removal may offer a better solution. Alamo Heights, TX, dermatologists Dr. Rebecca Kelso and Dr. Emily Fridlington offer the popular hair removal treatment at Alamo Heights Dermatology. How does laser hair removal work? Laser hair removal targets the pigment that gives your hair …

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All About Skin

skin melanin dermatology alamo heights san antonio texas

When we think about our skin, usually things like acne, psoriasis, moles, or the latest anti-aging cream come to mind. We rarely think about our skin in the big picture and the vital role it plays in our health! Here are some fun facts that put the crucial role that our skin plays into perspective! …

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