An Interview with Dr. Kelso
In 2009, Dr. Rebecca Kelso started her dermatology practice in San Antonio, TX. Over a decade later, the award-winning team at Alamo Heights Dermatology continues its patient-centered focus as our local area experts. Today, we are interviewing Dr. Kelso to get her expertise on some top skincare questions and a few fun ones. A Texas native and budding cook, Dr. Kelso is down to Earth with deep-rooted family ties in her work ethic. Let’s get to know more about her.

The Interview
Question: What made you go into the dermatology field?
Dr. Kelso: I went into dermatology after trying out a rotation in my 3rd year of medical school at the advice of my dad who is a retired physician. He thought I would like it and he was right! I love getting to see so many different ages of patients and also patients within the same family.
Dermatology is a very visual field of medicine, so I like helping people fix things that bother them since they are visible to the world. No one can see if you have high blood pressure, so people tend not to be as motivated to fix things they can’t see. Giving people better self-confidence by improving something they don’t like is very rewarding.
Question: There’s no shortage of dermatology clinics in this area. What sets Alamo Heights Dermatology apart from the others?
Dr. Kelso: I think what sets Alamo Heights Dermatology apart is our mission to give patients excellent care. We are a locally owned small business that sees and takes care of our friends and neighbors and sponsors school events and fundraisers. We are not a nameless faceless company based out of town. Our practice is very invested in this community, and we strive to work hard and do a great job for our patients. We worked very hard during the covid shut down to still provide care on an emergency basis to keep people out of ER’s and provided telemedicine for people to be seen virtually. We did not want to let down our patients who needed care.
Question: Name the top 3 products you never go without.
Dr. Kelso: Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen. Ok but seriously I love 1) Elta UV elements followed by colorscience powder 2) Revision Vit C 30% lotion 3) Revision DEJ face. Oops, that’s 4!
Question: What is the one thing everyone can do to keep their skin healthy?
Dr. Kelso: One thing everyone can do to keep their skin healthy is to protect it from the sun. That is the absolute must-do basic of basics. Hats, sunscreen, protective clothing.
Question: What is the most common skin issue you see in your practice?
Dr. Kelso: The most common skin issue I see in my practice is probably skin cancer. That is probably why I try to encourage sun protection. If you practice as a dermatologist long enough, you see enough scary skin cancer that could be preventable.
Question: Name your favorite guilty pleasure.
Dr. Kelso: My favorite guilty pleasure? Now, this is embarrassing!!! The obvious choice would be chocolate. I am trying to be “healthy” so right now this means Traders Joe’s extra dark chocolate in the metal tins. The really honest answer would be celebrity news. There is really no excuse, and now I’m embarrassed.
Question: If someone is struggling with an untreated skin condition, what would be your advice to them?
Dr. Kelso: For someone struggling with an untreated skin condition, the advice I would give would be to see a dermatologist. I think so many of my patients feel like they are the only person in the world with a certain condition and feel very embarrassed by it. They don’t want to show anybody or talk about it. Maybe they are embarrassed by how their body looks or that they haven’t shaved their legs or painted their toenails. Doctors are really here to help out and are hyper-focused on that and that alone.
Question: Lastly, where’s the best place to get tacos in San Antonio?
Dr. Kelso: This is probably the hardest question to answer. I have to give a shout-out to our neighbors down the road at Soluna. I think their food is so flavorful. So many great options in town though.
Your Local Experts in All Things Skin
Come see Dr. Kelso and her amazing team for all your general, cosmetic, and surgical dermatological needs at Alamo Heights Dermatology. Schedule your consultation today at (210) 255-8447 or request an appointment online.